Blue Ridge Farm Main House

I shared photos yesterday from the pool house of Blue Ridge Farm. Today, I want to tell you how I was fortunate enough to come by the pool house photos, and these beautiful images of the main house that I'm sharing today.   Elizabeth Tinsmen is the mother in law of Madison Spencer, the architect who oversaw the renovation of Blue Ridge Farm.  She came across my original and much too brief feature on the incredible pool house her son in law designed for Blue Ridge Farm.  The combination of blue and white and chinoiserie made this pool house perfect for me to feature.  I'm so happy Elizabeth Tinsmen told her son in law about my post because he very generously sent a number of photos for me to share with you.  Thank you so much, Elizabeth!  I'm absolutely thrilled to get to feature all these lovely images at The Pink Pagoda.

The history of Blue Ridge Farm and how Madison Spencer came to renovate the impressive property is fascinating.  I encourage you to read about it here in Virginia Living.  

Blue Ridge Farm is an incredibly gorgeous place.  The main house is absolutely divine. But, truth be told, I'd be happy -- well, actually beside-myself-thrilled with the pool house. If you missed that yesterday, see it here. And see more beautiful work here by Madison Spencer.


Dreaming of a New Lantern


Blue and White Monday with Blue Ridge Farm