Christmas at Belclaire House

Do you all know Jennifer over at Belclaire House?  If you like it here at TPP, I think you should get to know her.  She's a fellow blue and white fanatic and she's really funny.  Being funny is pretty high on my list of what's important.  I love to laugh, and I never fail to when I visit Jennifer's blog.  She says all the stuff I'd say if I were a little less inhibited.  Or, if I were just chatting with friends and family.  Also, she has exquisite taste and shares beautiful interiors that I love.  I forgot to mention that she's a Dallas girl.  She lives in Kansas City now, but I have seen a few things that make me have the idea that she grew up within a couple of minutes from where I live here in Dallas.  Today I'm sharing a tour of her house all decorated for Christmas.

LOVE all of her blue and white on the mantel.  The bigger jars at either end came from my store.

Is is horrid that I feel covetous of a Manger Scene?  Please don't answer that.

So, I wanted to share Jennifer's house with you because it's so lovely, but also because of another reason.  She moved in to this house in October!  And not a box in sight!  And did you count the number of Christmas trees she has up and decorated?  THREE!  Guess how many are up at my house? Not even one yet.  I'm so behind this year.  Jennifer is making me feel like a giant slacker.  And she has a toddler who is the cutest little boy EVER.  How in the world does she do it?  

What about you?  Are you finished at your house?  Someone please make me feel better here.  And go here to visit Jennifer's blog.  Happy Friday!


Blue and White Monday


A bit of Christmas at my House