One Room Challenge Final Week



Thank you for coming to see my final week of the One Room Challenge!  If you're coming in new, here's Week One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six.  Linda, of Calling It Home, created and organized the ORC, and I'm so happy I got to participate. I've transformed my breakfast room; the before and after photos are above.  I'm so excited to finally have this room finished!  Below, I have some specifics to share.

Above are the prints and framing before the challenge, and below you can see the changes I made.

Above shows my sad blank wall; below shows it looking much happier.

I started with this ceiling fan/light, and now I have the chandelier below.

Before, I had a bare floor, a bare window, and chair seat upholstery I didn't care for.  Now, I've got a rug, drapes, and a striped fabric on the chairs that I love.

Remember the talk about whether to go vertical or horizontal? After tweaking this stripe, (I created it in Photoshop and had it printed at Spoonflower) the scale changed, and it was too busy horizontal. And, in the interest of keeping it real, I'll admit I may not be finished with it.  It's not balanced the way I want.  This whole creating your own fabric thing is new for me, and I'm winging it!  

I want to mention my talented friend Stevie (whom I will introduce to you soon) who came over and arranged these beautiful flowers for my photos. I'm so grateful for her help! The photos were taken Monday, and the flowers still look gorgeous. Having them on the table was such a treat as we got to start enjoying the newly transformed room.


Thanks so much for being here.  I've very much appreciated your keeping up with my challenge and leaving all of the comments and suggestions.  Your involvement has made this even more fun! Now, go see these ladies' beautiful rooms!


Make It Happen


Blue and White Monday