Blue and White Monday + Christmas Puppies

Carolyn Roehm

I can't get enough of pink and red flowers in a blue and white container.  Both of Carolyn Roehm's books, Flowers and A Passion for Flowers, are on my Christmas wishlist.  

This, and the following seven photos, are from a gorgeous Meg Braff house in Bermuda decorated for Christmas.

This is a digital pic of a Christmas and Holiday card I sell in my store.

Do you remember my customer who had the beautiful house that I featured a few weeks ago?  We all thought her house looked like it might be located in Virginia.  To see it go here.  She asked me to create some cards for her with blue jars instead of green.  I thought it was a great idea.  I'll offer them next Christmas as an option.  She was so lovely to frame one of them and send me this photo.  I'm so fortunate to have the lovely, thoughtful, generous customers that I do!

We already have this little cutie pie, but Pinterest is oh-so-powerful!  I've seen the following photos lately and am wanting a Christmas puppy!  Aren't they adorable?!!

I'm taking time to be with my family until after the 1st.  If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a Merry, Merry holiday.  Thank you so very much for visiting me here.  I appreciate you all greatly!


Happy New Year and Randomness


Chinoiserie Christmas