Happy New Year and Randomness

Carolyne Roehm

I wanted to share this photo today because it makes me happy, and I hope you are all feeling happy and looking forward to the new year.  I wish all of the very best for you in the coming year!

I've been taking time during the holidays to spend with my family and also to organize our house.  We started purging the day after Christmas.  My husband is taking a carload of items to Salvation Army as I'm typing.  What a great feeling to watch all of the boxes and bags being taken out of the house!  There's still more to do.  We're wanting to start the year with everything gone that we no longer use or need.  We should have done this already, but we've been procrastinating.

I saw today on Linda's blog that she's talking about procrastinating.  I'm looking forward to seeing where she's going with this.  Knowing Linda, it will be interesting and clever.

While my daughter was procrastinating when she should have been studying for tests before the break, she found this video.  While it's really geared for a younger generation, I'm afraid I can completely relate.  What about you?


Organizing For the New Year -- Lesson Learned


Blue and White Monday + Christmas Puppies